December 30, 2019

Bread Upon The Waters

~ Bread upon the Waters ~
As you cast your bread upon life’s river every day
Do you wonder who retrieves it and is nourished?
Where the morsels, swollen by the water catch?
Where your words find rest and like a buried
seed transform to sprout new thoughts to
grow new life, adapt a new expression
serve as a crutch to form another’s

Thank You


Thanks and a Happy New Year to all whose writings have enriched my life this year. You’ve helped me think and pray and grow - and sometimes have prompted a few words of my own. Blessings!

December 21, 2019

New Normal

12/9/19 note:

Dear friends, especially those who are still in your first year, today i ran across this note on how my new normal felt at that point (8/7/17).  On being comfortable with solitude, I still tend to hibernate, but in time have become far more comfortable with it. I’m thinking of all of you still in your early stages of this journey and share it with hope for continued healing, love and encouragement.


My New Normal
Most mornings after breakfast, I settle in my chair, open my laptop and think, write etc for a few hours. I might not step outdoors for almost a week if I don’t need to run to the store. All the while feeling slightly embarrassed about it, slightly guilty, sort of a concern that others, if they were aware, would think there is something wrong with me. Wondering, what would people, my own kids, think if they knew how truly I am hibernating here. As if this is something I must explain or make excuses for if asked. As if this hibernation is abnormal. I know it will not always be this way, and yes it is abnormal - from what life was 7 months ago - before John died. But for now it is normal. It is OK.
This now is my day. My work. My purpose. My joy. I can send away that ‘shoulds’ monkey on my shoulder and embrace this abundant time of quiet I have for healing and for writing. I can drop the apologetic stance and mindset I’ve been carrying around inside of me. It feels like a sigh of relief! It is OK! This is now who I am. I will embrace this new routine and gradually modify it over time. I might even go outdoors and read in the sun for a while this afternoon! -JoMae

December 20, 2019

Something Taken...

Hi my friends. This is a fresh observation for me, a moment of recognizing something new.
Something Taken, Something Given
I think most couples develop the give and take of compromise. Easing off a little here or there to give the other space. Like a beautiful dance or a jazz duet. Often so subtle as to hardly be noticed. It is what we chose for love. It is what it takes for two unique (sometimes opposite) personalities to get along.
In our marriage, John was the quiet one. Took his time to speak. I was the talker - apt to barge on ahead of him. Especially with friends, I tended to be conscious of this and tried to temper blurting out my opinions somewhat. (not always successfully, I'm sure) It was always there. Occasionally annoying, but usually barely noticed - until last night.
I have not been very social since John died 15 months ago. Last night I met with a few friends for the first time and found myself at ease, enjoying myself and deep into good conversation. I noticed something felt different. Only later did I realize what it was. I was not holding back.
The bad thing is I’ve lost my soul mate, the good thing, I think I’m finding my Self in a new and healthy way. It was a lovely feeling actually. To step out from the past (still holding hearts) and step into the future to find this woman dancing solo, free, eager and able to be responsible for her own self.
So while my great love and anchor has been lost, it appears that something good has also been found. Something taken, something given. I am blessed.

December 16, 2019

John's Advent Calendar

John's Advent Calendar

~ Christmas Eve Remembered ~

How many nights, the children tucked
I’d relax with my book and the music
while John slipped down to his shop
still finishing a treasured gift

I’d mute the radio, preferring to hear
him whistling to the carols as he worked
love wafting up - a sweet aroma 
all mixed with paint and sawdust

Finally he’d appear, join me on the couch
grinning ear to ear - pleased with success
confident the paint would dry by morning
ready for a glass of eggnog and a hug

I wish I had photos of all those toy soldiers,
forts and games he produced! Most now 
disbursed to new families that came along
keepsakes for grandchildren

John's Advent Calendar Open

These were made for the grandchildren.  Each box to hold a treat and then be returned to its place in reverse.  The final effect revealing a picture of the whole family taken at a reunion. 

Advent Joy

Joy Stamp Reflected

John enjoyed creating cards with hand carved linoleum cuts.
This greeting read, "May your joy be complete" reflecting
Jesus' words found in John 15 (vs11) and 16 (vs 24)

(Of course the stamp is carved in the negative, so
the photo above is a reflection in the mirror.)

John's linoleum cut stamp for greeting:
May your Joy be Complete
~ Advent ~

Advent offers time to thankfully reflect on a
gift given so many years ago yet with us daily

and on the endless echoes of that gift exchanged
throughout the year: human kindness reflecting

Godde’s Love


December 15, 2019



Today marks the 3rd anniversary of John’s death.  I love this print and share because it expresses so eloquently the loss of one’s spouse. The artist, James Browne can be found at 

Artist: JamesBrowne

December 14, 2019

John's Tree

~ John’s String Tree ~

for years it was a string tree he had designed
and painstakingly rebuilt every December
then carefully stored away until the next

later, when age no more allowed the reach
atop the pole, came a huge three part bargain
decorated, yet too unwieldy to assemble at eighty


the building of the tree
was often agony for me

the reason for my angst:
the stringing of the tree!

that old beloved tree, created in youth
of a tall bamboo pole, pegboard strips
screwed into a circle and Aunt Lydia’s
rug yarn (always patiently rewound
into a big green ball) was a bear
to put together every year

it was a puzzle to decipher worn instruction
 notes, frustration if a crucial peg were missing
or some gadget didn’t fit the way it should, while
five excited children sought to help - so eager
for the finished product they remembered

which was

a festive tree to grace our living room each
Christmas - sometimes with a train around it
always with the paper angels wafting to and fro
as if dancing to the music of the shepherd’s pipes
waiting above a growing pile of tantalizing parcels


HaHa - I daydream a lot. And some dreams morph into a memory to keep.  JmkS

December 08, 2019

Silent Grace

~ Silent Grace ~

My world is wrapped in written words these days
some that I write; some gifts from far away
each breaking into the silence of my day
with joyful noise, a hug, a quiet smile
to say what they must say to let me
think a while, in thanks pay honor
to the giver of all blessings, all
silent seeds to nurture and
mature with loving grace

my cup is overflowing
Thanks be to Godde



~ I Wonder ~

Did Godde see I needed this time alone
to grapple with the questions I used to
ask wrestling with my preacher Dad? 

Was this unwanted present a gift of
Grace LOVE knew would benefit my
pondering soul with silent time to think?

time for this old book worm to curl up
with Word Godde un-interrupted by
that loved human voice now gone 

time to mine deeply rooted lessons
planted in days long gone - now nurtured
in new answers first formed on Mother’s lap

yet always re-forming through the years
as new questions rose to challenge --
to clarify old answers with new



Frozen Glaze

~ Freezing Days ~

My world has been
painted in disappearing
ink etching every surface
glowing bright in morning sun
reflecting one last burst of beauty
before melting under its warm gaze

The Frozen Glaze


December 02, 2019

My Woods

Recalling summer on this frigid day all draped in white.
(ran across this piece while sorting files this morning)

~ My Woods ~

my lovely shallow woods
where sunset filters leafy shadowed
silhouettes onto stately trunks of pine
and last light of dusk reflects the
glory of a summer day
