April 09, 2019

Living On aprpad 9

Remembering John's Garden

~ Dear Heart ~
two years past your death
I’m like a shattered vase
still finding where the
scattered pieces fit

~ Living On ~

some visit head stones
some sleep with a lover’s
soft garments left behind
my comfort lies between
the covers of my blog

there I curl up blanketed
with warm words revisiting
verbal snapshots of our life
and all it means, how true
love’s strength sustains

Beyond The Dying


#aprpad 9 - Two for Tuesday prompt: 

 Write a love poem and/or an anti love one.

April 07, 2019

Winter Envy #aprpad 7

Dreaming of Spring

It’s been a long cold winter
people like me have largely
sheltered in place, staying put
rather than chance slipping on ice

by February I was jealous
of folks living down in Florida
until I thought of how I’d covet 
the rhythm of the seasons were I to move


Today’s #aprpad prompt: Write a jealous poem.
Roses in November Snow

April 06, 2019

After Winter


After the winter was over
and days became longer
the sun beamed warmer
that dark cocoon of waiting
for more light began to soften
then break open to the magic 
of springtime with its signs of
new life and spirit of hope

as we shed our heavy coats
our hearts became lighter
our worlds a bit brighter
our steps a tad faster



Today's #aprpad prompt: Start with After the (blank)...

April 05, 2019

Final Photograph #aprpad 5

#aprpad 5 Prompt: Write of something stolen

John's 80th
Easter Sunday 2015
~ Final Photograph ~

I didn’t take a photograph
(that may have offended some)
but I have that  picture  so sharply
graven on my mind I do not need one

You are imprinted in my heart
along with memories of your touch
but that coffin image means so much
as you lay freshly cleaned - and waiting 

I have your ashes atop Pop’s book case 
(and a few inside my pocket - a small sachet)
but the photo of you resting there, sleeves rolled
back ready for refinement for your next assignment 
I have boxes full of prints and photos
I’m surrounded by the artifacts you made
All remind me daily of your absent presence 
Yet one vivid image provides loves closure for

My Fond Farewell


John’s birthday today (and I have the yellowed telegram to prove it) So here is another unpolished piece to commemorate the day.  Enjoy.

April 04, 2019

Their Dad #aprpad 4

John's Tree
~ Their Dad ~
Not a famous painter, but he loved
to capture action in a hasty sketch to
catch the baby dumping his spaghetti
save a vacation moment or draw a silly
birthday card

He’d sketch next year’s garden
lay out  a new kitchen cabinet
explain old dreams on napkins
design a lovely Christmas tree
or simply think in illustrations
on the back of an envelope

Scraps of paper now a treasured
Legacy of Love

#aprpad 4 Today’s prompt, pick a painter, make him or her the title of your poem, and then, write your poem.

April 03, 2019

Animal Poem #aprpad 3

Today's poem-a-day prompt: Write and animal poem ~
Cookie Artist: Jean Spoelhof
~ Animal Poem ~

I’m hard pressed to come up with an animal poem
no pets but the bunnies and squirrels in the yard
lost kittens - who scamper to play in the garden
while robins hop hoping for worms in the lawn

but springtime is here and artists are busy
with cookies so dear, too lovely to nibble
chickens and lambs - all over the plate
bunnies galore might pop in the door
beautiful bunnies that I most adore

Prized art work by Jean the
Gingerbread Lady who’s
exquisite sweets iced
in delicate designs
are treasured
one of a

#aprpad 3 - A small tribute to my favorite cookie artist ~
Prompt: write an animal poem - 

Cookie Artist: Jean Speolhof

April 02, 2019


A Blue Cocoon

~ Silence ~
The worst case scenario had happened: 
her world seems deaf, his voice now mute
the silent void a thick foam block encasing
a cold suffocating absence -- his presence

No whistling drifting from his workshop now
gone was the sound of footsteps in the door
garden tools dropped to the floor and more
a death she first deemed unable to endure

until one day, out of the silence rose a thought
sparked by a comment she had heard or read
her nature was to savor it to further ponder
she made a note and then another line until

her old familiar joy of writing took a hold. Tiny
bursts of words at first - her heart became ajar
lighting frail new blossoms rooted in old soil 
nurtured by the gift of quiet, time and place

~ Silence ~
The best case scenario had happened
for in her loss she found her voice
harsh gray silence softened to a
blue cocoon filled with words


An April Poem-A-Day challenge #aprpad
The day's prompt: Write a worst case and/or best case poem

April 01, 2019

Winter Mornings #aprpad 1

April Snow
Winter Mornings

Coffee in my most comfortable chair
swimming in the wake up brew
treading an ocean of words
reading, thinking, writing 
until I look up and see
it’s mid afternoon


Another April. Another Poem A Day Challenge. 

Today’s challenge: Write a morning poem