December 21, 2018

Remembering The Women


A genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of Miriam, the daughter of Anna:
Sarah was the mother of Isaac,
And Rebekah was the mother of Jacob,
Leah was the mother of Judah,
Tamar was the mother of Perez.
The names of the mothers of Hezron, Ram, Amminadab, 
     Nahshon and Salmon have been lost.
Rahab was the mother of Boaz,
     and Ruth was the mother of Obed.
Obed’s wife, whose name is unknown, bore Jesse.
The wife of Jesse was the mother of David.
Bathsheba was the mother of Solomon,
Naamah, the Ammonite, was the mother of Rehoboam.
Maacah was the mother of Abijam and the grandmother of Asa.
Azubah was the mother of Jehoshaphat.
The name of Jehoram’s mother is unknown.
Athaliah was the mother of Ahaziah,
Zibiah of Beersheba, the mother of Joash.
Jecoliah of Jerusalem bore Uzziah,
Jerusha bore Jotham; Ahaz’s mother is unknown.
Abi was the mother of Hezekiah,
Hephzibah was the mother of Manasseh,
Meshullemeth was the mother of Amon,
Jedidah was the mother of Josiah.
Zebidah was the mother of Jehoiakim,
     Nehushta was the mother of Jehoiachin,
Hamutal was the mother of Zedekiah.
The the deportation to Babylon took place.
After the deportation to Babylon
the names of the mothers go unrecorded.
These are their sons:
Jechoniah, Shealtiel, Zerubbabel,
Abiud, Eliakim, Azor and Zadok,
Achim, Eliud, Eleazar,
Matthew, Jacob and Joseph, the husband of Miriam.
Of her was born Jesus who is called Christ.
The sum of generations is therefore: fourteen from Sarah to David’s mother;
     fourteen from Bathshebba to the Babylonian deportation;
     and fourteen from the Babylonian deportation 
          to Miriam, the mother of Christ.
-Genealogy compiled by Ann Patrick Ware

This genealogy tracing Jesus’ great grandmothers was taken from Remembering the Women, a book of scripture readings that include women, compiled by J. Frank Henderson. ““A Genealogy  of Jesus Christ” was compiled by Ann Patrick Ware of the Women’s Liturgy Group of New York, who has graciously put this text in the public domain for all to use.” 
During Advent, when many preach and reflect on the few women named in Matthew’s lineage, let’s also remember the many other mothers, both named and unnamed, both Hebrew and not, who were great grandmothers of Jesus. There are precious lessons to ponder here as well. Remembered here, of course, are mothers in Christ's paternal line. Mothers of the mothers are not recorded. -JoMae

December 11, 2018

May It Be Unto Me

~ May It Be Unto Me ~

Mary’s acceptance of the Angel’s pronouncement
of a circumstance beyond her control becomes
an example stretching beyond her own story
burrowing deep into individual experience.
Her life divided sharply with those words
her days will be forever split between
before and after. No going back.
There is no going back.

With only memories of the past
her sole vista now is forward
stumbling, pondering the
heart pounding news
she looks ahead.

Who was this messenger, this Gabriel?
Did Mary think of Sarai and of
Samson’s Mom, whose
angelic messengers
turned out to be
God’s Self?

Soon going to Elizabeth
she begins a journey
that will bring her
through the fear
and pain of

and to the joy!

Young Mary sheds her blood to 
 bring new life into the world.
New hope.Then continues
on her journey mothering
her little one through to
the pride of who he’s
grown to be (“what
he says, do it”!)
and on to her
bitter grief,
the cross


All are not called to shed our blood
but most will one day face worlds
beyond our own control - lives
changed even unto death.

Let Mary’s words remind us to accept,
to trust our selves, the future - and
most of all the ONE holding our
future cradled in holy hands

Almighty Godde
El Shaddai

Please mold us, grant us wisdom
that we too may accept all
that has been given
or taken away
with grace


Luke 1:26
Gen 18:13
Judges 13:20-22
John 2:5
During the past two years, since the death of John, my husband and soul mate for 57 years, much of my work has been focused on learning about loss and how to accept it.  As I pondered and reflected, I came to see Mary’s acceptance to be a model for myself and all who journey through the joys and sorrows of life, praying for and finding the grace to move on.

December 07, 2018

A New Song

Photo: Lily Flower by Dreamstime

~ A New Song ~

I waited patiently upon you, YHWH;
You stooped to me and heard my cry,
 lifted me out of the desolate pit,
out of the mire and clay.

You set my feet upon a high cliff
and made my footing sure.
You put a new song in my mouth,
A song of praise to our Godde;
May many see, and stand in awe,
and put their trust in you.

Psalm 40:1-3

An echo of Psalm 40:1-3 becomes my offering of praise today


Icy Morning Sunshine

~ Icy Morning Sunshine ~

Icy morning sunshine is pouring through my windows
reflecting iridescent off the white landscape beyond
yet amber leaves still cling to the old oak, its limbs
all etched in snow. Many inches already fallen 
and it's not even winter on the calendar yet


November 30, 2018

Love Beyond Loss

~ Love Beyond Loss ~

I will not lose our love for it rests deep within
Your love has molded me and echoes still
Now as I grow new life and step ahead
It seeds new blossoms sure to bloom

Happy December everyone. I’m still marveling at how life goes on after tragic loss, when the world as we knew it abruptly disintegrates. In this season of thanksgiving for the gift of Christ’s Presence in our lives, please know that buried in the new normal one encounters, confusing as it is, unexpected presents will surprise you. Gifts of Godde’s Grace. Watch for them! Open them when you are able and be blessed.

November 20, 2018

My Breathing Tree

Artist Credit: Peace, Be Still by James Browne

~ My Breathing Tree ~

I was a girl
there was a tree
growing quite close
beside a porch. A walnut tree
with arms so strong it safely could
hang on to me as I climbed up high 
with a book in hand and tucked 
myself in the crook of a limb

There I’d sit as still as could be
barely breathing so I could see if
what I felt was the breath of the tree

It had to be. I could feel her, snug
against my back with the gentle rhythm
of a living hug. I was sure she breathed
her love for me as she held me close - and I
so still as not to break the magic spell while
I sat with my book in the arms of my tree
and read of lives I wanted to be

At 80 now, I still recall it vividly
that sense of the tree  
 breathing with me 



Autumn Blessings
Abundance From Judy's Garden

~ ThanksLiving ~
You left me here, Dear Heart
alone and on my own - my world
all upside-down without you
the life we knew is gone
has died with you

Now as I surface from the depths
and grow a new familiar - I wait
for a fresh bud upon the vine
we nurtured for so long

I’m watching, waiting as it blossoms
slowly, yet with great surprise
I am captured by its promise
life anew in your demise

Nourished by the love we shared
strengthened by our years, I’m
grateful for the gifts I count
as this Thanksgiving nears


Thankful for gifts never sought or needed before death turned life upside-down, yet now, emerging, are life giving - full of hope to turn despair around.

November 15, 2018

Growth by Grace

Roses Blooming in the Snow
From a photo by Shari Harrison

~~ Growing by Grace ~~

in blossom:
I love the life I had
and grieve the One I lost
yet even amid the mourning
new aspects of my self emerge
words I had no inclination to refine 
when life's duet was full to overflowing
have now become the anchor of my days
my work, my life, my pleasure, my companion
I am a writer
by joy 


Celebrating new growth seeping in through the cracks of devastating grief and nourishing new hope.  A gift of Grace.  Thanks be to Godde.

November 13, 2018

Blessing Prayer

This Gray November Day

~ A Prayer For Blessing ~

Bless this day dear Godde I pray
Bless the world in which we play
Bless all homes in which we stay
Bless our lives and what we say

Bless every one displaced by fire
Bless the homeless every where
Bless any frightened, lost, afraid
Bless this lovely world you made
Bless all hands that now are laid
On many lives in need of aid

A Simple Prayer For Blessing On This Gray November Day

November 10, 2018

Immersed In Yellow

Collage in Yellow

~ Immersed In Yellow ~

I imagine I’m in a mustard sandwich
between maples still brilliant high above
and the lawn below, deeply carpeted in gold

I love to watch those dancing leaves drifting 
through the air like giant snowflakes 
floating down to find their spot
and settle there ’til buried
deep in ice and cold

Even in demise
glistening in the sun 
leaves gently carry down
their quiet autumn


November 01, 2018


Blossoming in the Desert
Ocotillo Plant in Joshua Tree
Photo by Nancy Spoelhof

~ Bereaved ~

In the muddle of mourning 
when words run like tears all
mangled together unsorted, one 
needs to decipher, learn to discern
what and when to appropriately share.

More thoughts on grief from one whose tears
tend to pour out in words.
(a note to myself)

October 29, 2018

Bookwifery Challenge

Five Day Challenge on my book idea re Reflections on Loss~

John's Garden in Glass
~an icon of love~
The following pieces first appeared on Instagram responding to a #bookwiferyvisibilitychallenge to answer five questions when considering a potential book idea. Exploring the possibility this way helps clarify goals. 

Day 1 - Name Your Message
My message is to bring insight about grieving both to those who have lost recently and are walking through it for the first time and to those who have friends and family who are mourning loved ones.  To share insights into loss one can only learn by walking in those shoes.  To give a glimpse of small moments that show both the hopeless sense of emptiness and absence as well as the glimmers of new that sprout up from this dark place.  To let people see examples of hope, of unwanted gifts which emerge out of the pain of loss.  To help others see that it is possible to accept those ‘unchosen gifts’ and flourish in embracing them.  To show examples that yes, horrible as this is, some good can come out of the sadness.  One can live on.  Grief can be transformed through the unforgotten love it is rooted in. 

Day 2 - NameWhy It Matters
I believe my message matters because when a loved one dies, we who remain find ourselves in uncharted waters, feeling stunned and lost and in need of finding a new identity. New relationships in a once familiar world.  New balance. It will take much time and healing to be centered again. During this time of adjustment and transition to finding your new self, the voices of those who have walked in your shoes will be invaluable. Their words can be both touch stone and guide through this new terrain. Yet in the shock of loss, one may find it difficult to focus, to absorb long articles. I hope my short pieces will hold the hand of someone in deep mourning. I also hope the experience shared will help friends and family better understand the pain. 

Day 3 - Name Who It's For
Who am I writing for?  First of all, I wrote these pieces for myself.  They emerged from journaling my way to healing after losing John, my husband of 57 wonderful years.  Most of them came out in short poems which captured a moment of insight or reflection on this loss.  Also the hope and healing which often surprised me.  My hope is that these short reflections may be a touch stone for others encountering loss. For both the immediate loved one and friends/family wanting to better understand the many dimensions of loss. 

Loss of a loved one, deposits those left behind in a world of unknown territory. Suddenly we must learn to maneuver strange, confusing thoughts and terrain. Often we are left to translate well meant words that otherwise would hurt.  All the while knowing that before our own loss, we didn’t ‘get it’ either.

I know that at first, I was unable to focus long enough to tackle lengthy articles or blog posts on grief - which became valuable to me later. So maybe my pieces will hold the hands of those whose mourning is still raw, and bring comfort.

Day 4 - Name What You Wish They Knew
What I wish they knew, starts with what I wish I’d known. What I didn’t 'get' when my own Dad died. What I didn’t understand about what my Mom was going through.  The visceral reality of absence. The silence. The void.  Not that anyone else can fill that void, but the acknowledgement of it is so important. A call, card or text from time to time to check in to see how a grieving friend is doing and if they need anything, goes a long way - even if nothing is needed. It is comforting to be reminded you are not forgotten.

I wish I’d known how long the emptiness remains - even when life gets busy again and others think all must be back to some kind of normal. I wish I’d understood these things when Mom lost Dad and when other friends were mourning their losses. I wish I’d known to recognize that the smiles of early mourning are likely masks donned for stepping out, yet discarded behind closed doors.  I wish they knew how self-conscious many feel, not wanting pity. Preferring to stay inside instead. 

Before death comes for one we love, it’s almost impossible to imagine surviving such a blow. I wish I’d known, and others too, that as life goes on, unsought gifts slip in - not to replace the grief, the love you had, but to grow from it as you find your new identity without your beloved one. That out of the seeds of your buried love, you will blossom once again. 

I am so thankful that I had a hobby, in my case it is writing. Alone, now on my own, I let the solitude embrace me and dove into this thing I love to do. I lost myself in words to pass the hours and sort out the confusion. So I encourage others to consider what brought you joy before, whether cooking or music, knitting or gardening… - let yourself be lost in it as time allows. Dive deep. That too, is what I wish others who are grieving, know to do.  

Day 5 - Name How You Can Help
Perhaps I could help by offering thoughtful words in small bites meant to share the heart of one who has also grieved. Someone who has walked in their unfamiliar shoes and struggled with bereavement first hand. While each person’s reality is vastly different, I have found comfort in the insights gleaned from others who are grieving. From others who are members of this unchosen tribe into which we have all been pulled, kicking and screaming. I hope that sharing these vignettes of moments on my journey might hold someone’s hand by being the voice of another who has experienced a deep loss; might be a virtual listening ear to one who is grappling with the same questions and uncertainties I’ve had. 


October 17, 2018

Double Edges

Linden Tree at Clox
Photo by Judy Spoelhof

~~ Double Edges ~~
Life is a two edged sword these days.
Loss is hard and discombobulating
yet through the effort of adjusting
joys emerge as unexpectedly as
did the grief. Sorrow and joy flow
intermingled through my hours.

Sometimes I try to sort them out as if
warring and determined to compete -
although to no avail, for I’m learning
they are one and must find peace.

And should you hear me whine of loneliness, please
know, it’s not so much a craving for companionship
as craving that companion who has vanished
whose absence is a void impossible to fill.

Know also this. That void is only half the story
the other half is gently filling up with joy -
transforming joy with power to melt the sword
and meld both edges into one new life

where pain of loss will be subsumed, embraced
by wonder carried over from the past and
molded to a plowshare full of purpose.
Fit for service.  Joyful service.


October 12, 2018


     Willa Cather, 1873 - 1947

Can’st thou conjure a vanished morn of spring,
     Or bid the ashes of the sunset glow
Again to redness? Are we strong to wring
     From trodden grapes the juice drunk long ago?
Can leafy longings stir in Autumn’s blood,
     Or can I wear a pearl dissolved in wine,
Or go a-Maying in a winter wood,
     Or paint with youth thy wasted cheek, or mine?
What bloom, then, shall abide, since ours hath sped?
     Thou art more lost to me than they who dwell
In Egypt’s sepulchres, long ages fled;
     And would I touch—Ah me! I might as well
Covet the gold of Helen’s vanished head,
     Or kiss back Cleopatra from the dead!

I love this poem by Willa Cather.  It expresses for me the sheer finality; the void, of loss. The impossibility, try as one might, to conjure up in the mind’s eye (or the soul’s) a tangible memory of one’s dear departed.  The futility of trying to grasp an echo of their presence wrestles with the guilty ache that one so dearly loved could be so completely absent from a day’s experience.  -JoMae

October 06, 2018

Driving South in Autumn

- Driving South in Autumn -

Traveling through the rolling hills of Pennsylvania 
soon after dawn on this sunny autumn morning
the hills look wrapped in blankets of soft velvet. 
Mist is rising in the valleys

In sharp contrast to this veiled distant view
a lake shines brilliant blue and
rippling rivers glisten in bright sun.
The day is mild.

Rock cliffs edge the road
where the highway was cut through 
their faces, wet with dew, reflect the sun 
like giant coal black mirrors to the world.

The trees and hills nearby will not be muted
their colors joyful, many leaves still holding on
though countless branches are already bare
- soon to be blanketed with winter snow.


I ran across this memory of our last road trip the other day.  Such wonderful days. Never dreaming they would suddenly end just a few short weeks later!

September 29, 2018

Girls Will Be Women

Rules Are Changing -

Boys will be Boys, but
Girls increasingly become strong Women
Able to speak their truth and be believed.

In the wake of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford speaking up, I’ve been reading the many many stories pouring out by women who have quietly carried the secret of sexual assault and its echo of fear with them all their lives - and I’m thinking:

Boys will be Boys
Men will be Men
Girls become Women able to speak their truth.

Beware, the world is changing


September 21, 2018

Quiet Time

Soaking in the Beauty...


Enjoying my small woods with book in hand
this stunning late September morning. 
A time to sort the day ahead
to read a bit and think
to meander deep
within and


When I step into my inmost Self
for a time of quiet pondering
Godde is already there

Godde is always there - if
I’m aware or not. Always
near to listen, to engage
as I wrestle life issues
or just breath in the
beauty of the day
and listen


September 14, 2018

Flashback - Morning Beauty

~ Morning Beauty ~
(Flashback to September 2012)
The Elegance of Shadow

The garden is less lovely without John’s care
and his zinnias do not grace my table now
but the shadows still enthrall me
I find such beauty there

John introduced me to the elegance of shadow
on an early date, an evening walk around
Reed’s Lake as he pointed with wonder
to the lamp post reflected at our feet

I may not have even noticed.
John saw beauty in the shadows - 
a gift that keeps on giving to this day!


September 06, 2018

Bubble of Light

~~ Bubble of Light ~~
Late afternoon.  The morning sunshine
pouring through these windows is long gone.
A confusing disappointment has left me empty, 
I am riding out the ending of the day ’til it is past.

And then. One tiny ball of light began to gently dance 
upon the carpet. Rays glancing off a neighbor’s window
seeping through the leaves to drop in on me a while?

It came and went, popped about a bit and brought a smile
for there is usually no sun in this room around this hour.
Still, there it was. An errant bubble bursting in and out
and in again until I got the message of its little light.

For even in the gloom the light of joy is present. Even
when we forget - are not aware - Love’s Presence
enfolds us and sometimes in the background of
an ordinary day, sometimes with a tiny nudge
brings a smile bursting to remind us to be


July 31, 2018

I Wonder

Through Gates of Splendor!

~ I Wonder ~

I wonder.  If that deepest core within us
that invisible spark which makes us 
each uniquely who we are
that spirit, intangible, yet oh so real

I wonder. When our bodies die,
does that ethereal essence 
turn to dust as well? Or 
does it in the twinkling of an eye

return home to Godde, slip through
the placenta back into the womb of eternity
there to develop and be prepared to be
born yet again. To serve anew

I wonder where John’s spirit is 
what purpose it’s now given
what joy he’s found and giving
I can’t imagine he is idle - even in eternity!

One day I’ll know. Meanwhile

I Wonder


On our travels, John loved to point out and photograph beautiful design. This gate is somewhere in Charleston.

July 23, 2018

~ Welcome Note ~

Dear Friends,
This blog is my letter to the world whose music speaks to me in potent words of color, breeze and shade... 
-JoMae                      (With a fond Salute to Emily Dickinson)

Painting: The Letter ~~ Artist:


~ Welcome to my BITS and PIECES ~

This blog is my letter to the world
whose music speaks to me in potent
words of color, breeze and shade, through 
books whose notions seed themselves in
nooks and crannies of my mind only
to float around there until one day
I fish a bit, reel in to lay all out
so as to look at them again, try to
clarify, grasp the meaning of those
little tidbits niggling at my brain -

 this blog brings order to the verbal
chaos wafting through my world 


Welcome to these bits and pieces of my world.  If you wish to share a bit of yours or add a comment, please do.  Enjoy!

That Moment...

Photo by Jessicakate Miles
Always - Remember the Rainbow!


That moment after months of trying to adjust to widowhood, 
when your first real crisis hits resurfacing your grief with
 an acute stab as you realize anew s/he is not
here to share the burden, the fear of this
fresh wound

When new loss reminds you how alone you are without
the presence of your soulmate’s love, voice
companionship and familiar touch


Dedicated to all who have lost a spouse and to the friends who patiently listen, seek to understand and help each one of us move on.