~~ Moving On ~~
I have taken the mantle of love we wove together
wrapped it warm around my heart, anchored forever
marked the moment to commemorate a clear beginning
and now cheerfully step into this fresh new season
this clean page, ready to write another chapter
centered, endeavoring to be whole again
determined to find a healthy balance
eager to discover the music of
~~~ 2018 ~~~
Love to join you in a quest for a new chapter.
I appreciate your example more than you know. You just never know who’s listening as we walk forward the best we can.
Music and new visions flowering and flourishing inside us.
New year
Verdant mystery
mist and fog
black and green
year mean and kind
Flower and flourish
Nurture and nourish
Loving others
As I love myself
~Val Nyenhuis
Thanks for your kind words and for sharing your New Year poem, Val. It is lovely! Writing has certainly helped me come to terms with losing John. I hope it is a balm to you as well. Blessings on your quest as you move on without your Mom.
“Music and new visions” do flower and flourish inside us, but I have to admit it is often amid much confusion. But I’m determined to keep walking. This month I’m taking an online course introducing the world of publishing.
Keep writing!
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