December 30, 2017

Melancholy Christmas

your season
remember this: 
suffering at Christmas
serves also to remind us that 
in time, renewal follows devastation
healing happens
spring comes
new growth
New You


Till Death Do Us Part

 ~~~Till Death Do Us Part~~~

As a couple ages, thoughts of death begin to enter the mind. One of us would likely be left behind some day. Although in decent health, we sometimes spoke of it. Quite often, actually. Yet in my heart of hearts I couldn’t go there. I could only see the impossibility of going on alone. I couldn’t imagine how I could survive—or want to—the loss of John.

We walked with Godde and knew that Divine Love and Grace would save us from despair when that day came. We lived with that trust and had experienced abundant blessing in our lives. Yet I froze in fear each time I’d try to think about it. To prepare. We were aging. John was sometimes frail.

And then it happened. John was suddenly gone. Stunned and in shock, surrounded by the love of family and friends, I soon realized I’d not fallen into some pit of despair. Christ’s Grace was there, preventing me from falling. Rather than a desperate sense of being buried alive, the loss of any will to live on, I somehow saw steps that needed to be taken. A farewell service to honor John had to be planned. One small purpose after another led me through each day. Looking back, I marvel with thanksgiving that, while Godde often pulls us out of pits, this time those Beloved hands held me from falling in.

Many, many have survived this path before me; we each have our stories. I guess my message is, don’t freeze in fear when you think about it. Christ’s Grace is sufficient and will guide you and give strength and confidence when sorrow comes. You can count on it. For that, I am eternally thankful. It is hard. I miss John, but it was like a miracle to be saved from falling apart, to land in Godde’s arms instead of in a pit.

It’s been more than seven months since John left this world. I often wonder what his new life is like. I imagine his spirit is full of joy and peace and purpose. I, too, find myself in a new world, on a new path. Everything has undergone a paradigm shift. Our home, so full of memories, is the same, yet his voice, his presence, is silent. Or I might say, his presence echoes in the silence. Even so, I am amazed to find joy and peace on this new journey, and even a fresh sense of purpose. For that, I praise Godde with thanksgiving.

We were an item, John and I, as are so many couples the world over. For almost sixty years, we wove a strong yet fragile shell around us. It was a beautiful wrap even with its many flaws. We loved and respected each other, but perhaps the most important key to our long-lived love was that we basically accepted each other the way we were.

I once found a small wall hanging that said: “I want for you what you want for you.” That rather flimsy bit of cloth hung on the wall in our room for a long time, quietly reminding us, when angry or in disagreement, of a sense of balance governing our marriage. Our unspoken goal, in spite of being two very different people, was to put the other first. We often failed in all of this, only to soon find our way back into the warm harmony of our shell.

In later years, the children long grown, our individual threads became more interwoven, threading through and around each other so that when death suddenly took John, it was as if the fabric of our wrap had been ripped apart, forcing me to scramble to mend the brokenness and weave some kind of selvedge to my life, to form some kind of healthy separation so I could continue on alone, to form from the remnants of that broken shell a new security and confidence to move ahead.

Grace has taken on new meaning for me now

JoMae Spoelhof

In August of 2016 this piece was published on ViewPoint, a section of the CFT (Christian Feminism Today) website. 

A Widow's Battle

~~~A Widow’s Battle~~~

Healing from the hidden wounds of loss,  I may 
look the same, behave the way I always have
yet inside I am broken knocked off center 
stunned and out of balance. Unfamiliar 
with who I am without my other half

No longer whole,   I am spinning 
what once came naturally 
now seems unfamiliar 

Even with my ‘I’m doing really well’
mask/smile in place, I’m rattled 
even with my familiar friends
I’ve lost the art of casual 
 conversation and feel
 a miss fit socially

The missing pieces of my life
have left a shocking hole
that may not show, yet 
leaves me feeling 
self conscious
stressed out

Healing, yet forever
analyzing what is going on 
searching how to understand and 
discover how to let my soul and body 
mend, how to rebuild a self that can be 
whole again - how to fill the gaps 
John left behind with new input 
of my own - new, yet ever 
tempered by the glad 
cells we formed 


Acceptance Band

~~ Moving On ~~

I have taken the mantle of love we wove together
wrapped it warm around my heart, anchored forever 
marked the moment to commemorate a clear beginning
and now cheerfully step into this fresh new season
this clean page, ready to write another chapter
centered, endeavoring to be whole again 
determined to find a healthy balance
eager to discover the music of

~~~ 2018 ~~~


December 29, 2017

The Mantle

Grief's mantle may never be set aside 

yet I will attempt to see its beauty

and learn to wear it graciously

honoring one worn together

subsumed now into my

Mantle of Love


December 23, 2017

Facing the Darkness

Facing the Darkness

On a bleak and melancholy winter day
gloomy dark and icy cold outside 
feeling fragile, weary - missing John

I pick up Ann Weems’ Kneeling in Bethlehem
and am reminded once again to 
face the darkness

Not to run and hide but turn and
grapple with blind emptiness, for 
in the shadows one can better

See the Light



Christ Jesus

Light of the World
Light of the Word
Word of Light in
A world so dark


December 22, 2017


Remembering folks the world over who are suffering this Christmas. These thoughts came while reading Leanne Friesen's The Grieving Woman and the Christmas Story - The Junia Project this afternoon.  

John's Beautiful String Tree


We sing the joy of Christmas
sing with over flowing hearts
while others echo somber telling
of worlds in pain and ripped apart

The other side of Christmas
where a promise goes unfilled
where children starve, parents die
and life's a bleak cold winter chill

Even that first Christmas era as
the world was blessed with Christ
 many parents grieved sore losses
of their murdered baby boys

Please be present with us, Jesus
also amid life’s deepest pain, so we 
may heal; move through the darkness
renewed to find your joy again


December 14, 2017

Warm Bear Hug

John Spoelhof
4/5/35 - 12/15/16

Warm Bear Hug

Remembering that warm bear hug

just inside our back door when 

you came in from shoveling 

for a hot cup of tea your

 icy cheek on mine


That memory flashed across my heart

as I lay my cheek on yours

while you rested

in the coffin


So Icy Cold


December 10, 2017

Christmas Prayer

The Wonder of Christmas

Holy Godde
as we anticipate Christmas and 
honor the gift of your incarnation; 
as we celebrate your presence in our lives
please fill us with joy and thanksgiving, we pray. 
May we frame our lives in the Love you modeled in 
 Christ Jesus

December 06, 2017

Hello Dear Heart

Hello Dear Heart

I'm finding light in the darkness
these days - finding gain in the loss
finding my balance after losing my core
finding the blessings while trusting for more

I'll carry your gifts from the past with me now
while I move on toward the light alone
the essence of you, melded in me
as we danced our very own tune

You showed me beauty, John 
Beauty wrapped up in love.
Weaving our lives together
Shadows were transformed.


We tempered each other into more than we would otherwise become. 
Who I am and will be, reflects that long lived love we shared;  
who we were, we were because of each other - a gift that  
stays with me each day - a gift I’ll always treasure.

We two, who wove one closely knitted life, now must move on alone.  
I like to think that in that joy filled realm where you now reside, 
some of our blended essence may live on, as yours does here.  
That we may each continue to bring joy wherever we are.  

If perchance you could touch human lives in some angelic way,  
wouldn’t that be wondrous! Yet the strength I have from you, 
the strength still holding me, I gained from knowing you.  
From loving you. Love that remains and steadies me.  

We both are blessed in a million ways. 
My thanks goes on a million days.  
Praise be to Godde in whose 
Hands we both move on.

Goodbye Dear Heart


Mourning Hope

Whether you are mourning the loss of a beloved life partner, a child, a parent, good health  or some other emptiness, these words are for you.  They were born out of the pain of the death of my husband, but they speak to the amazing gift of hope offered through the Grace of Godde in Christ. Grace that enables one small step after another to regain our balance in the face of an unthinkable loss.  

We are each unique and when troubled will find our solace and inspiration in different places.  My John was a gardener and woodworker and those are the areas he would turn to when sorting life out.  He could get lost in his garden or shop.  I imagine he did some of his best praying there.  Beauty emerged in many forms from those favorite spots.

My bent has always been to write.  That is my sorting out place.  I can get lost for hours reading, pondering and writing.  That is when my answers emerge, my hope for the years to come.  So when John died suddenly and I found myself with hours of quiet solitude, it was natural for me to journal my way through the loss.  To capture small discoveries I saw for the first time.  To come to grips with the finality of death.  To remember and reflect. To grieve. And in the process, to discover who I am now. For after almost 60 years of being half of a loving couple, steeped in the commeradarie of that familiar world, there is much to learn about now being on my own.  

As I write this afternoon, I’m facing the first anniversary of John’s death.  Looking back, I have learned so much.  Some of my reflections I have already shared. I hope to keep doing so.  May they be a touch stone for others dealing with loss.  Going back over the work of these past twelve months, editing and tweaking, the words become my garden, my workshop where I get lost in the joy of memory and reflection.  Rambling through these entries, I feel most close to John. That in itself is a blessing.  Here I find meaning. Order in the chaos of brokenness. Perhaps some of these pieces will help others find hope and spark healing ideas as well.  That, dear friends is my prayer. 

Trust in Godde, whose love will sustain you.  Trust what Godde has given you over the years.  Trust who you are in Christ.  Trust what you have learned, whether through failure or success, through gain or loss.  Trust the still small voice of Wisdom in a quiet moment.  Know that Godde is with you every step of the way - even when you forget. As you mourn and slowly heal from the invisible wounds of loss, be patient and know that hope will come again.  You will find meaning again. One small step at a time. Not the same as you have lost, but a new chapter. The page is blank. As you fill it, may you find joy!


November 28, 2017

Evening Glow

~~ Evening Glow ~~

Before me, the maple still laden with leaves
on the right, tall leafless locusts in gold salmon hues
are reflecting a sunset that isn’t in view.
To my left a small bird resting high on bare branches -
all echo soft praise as the evening advances.

For this day, late November at 60 degrees,
whose sun cast a blessing able to ease
the portent of winter and its deep freeze,
I too lift a heart full of thanksgiving and
~ Praise ~


It was as if all the light of a grand sunset were glowing on the limbs of the locust trees - and no where else.  None of those shades were in the sky.  Kind of magic, I thought.

October 09, 2017

September Blessings

September Blessings

After a chilly rainy start to September 
     following a cooler than usual summer, 
     as discouragement was taking hold - and emptiness -
     a balmy warm amazing week.

I soaked it in.  Spent much of it working 
     either on the front or back porch or in the garden.  
Into the evening.  It was delicious.  
I tried to memorize it against 
       the inevitable winter to come. 

I just stayed out there and let it bless me.  And it did.  
Twice, neighbors stopped by to chat
      - easing the isolation. 

And all it took was being outdoors, visible, and
      looking up with a smile when someone said hi.


October 02, 2017

Broken Harmony

Your desire will be for your husband,
and he will rule over you. Gen 3:16b NIV
~~Broken Harmony~~

When I consider the fall and it’s consequences, 
how Godde foresaw that the man would now rule 
over the woman yet her desire would be for him, 

I see examples of brokenness in need of 
healing by the promised Messiah. 
Not only was male dominance a result of sin, 
so too was women’s longing for him in spite of it.   

Generation after generation Christians have 
confessed our sins and promised anew 
to live as Jesus taught us to.  
As Godde meant for us to be.  

We have used endless gifts of intelligence to discover
 and harness secrets of creation to enrich our lives.
To ease the pain of childbirth for instance, 
yet patriarchal dominance remains 

We are  mindful always of Christ’s enormous gift 
and sacrifice to bring us near to Godde.
Yet I wonder if we haven’t missed 
a great part of Jesus' gift.

The modeling of how we are to treat each other.
Jesus, the Promised Messiah, born a male mortal, 
did not dominate, did not demean or misuse women.
Rather, he listened and interacted with respect.

We still have much to learn as image bearers of
 our Creator. As redeemed children of Godde
 striving to live as folks redeemed and healing
 from the brokenness of sin.

October 01, 2017

Birther Godde

As we reflect Godde’s love, as we teach and praise our Beloved Maker, as we serve the ONE who rules our lives, let us not limit the essence of the Divine Mystery with language that pictures our Loving Godde as if only and exclusively male.

You deserted the Rock, who fathered you; 
you forgot the God who gave you birth.  
Deut 32:18 NIV
~~Remember The Godde Who Gave Us Birth~~

Aside from the gender inequity inherent in our world, one reason I find myself determined not to use exclusive language for Godde, is that it diminishes our view of the endless enormity of the Divine.  It shrinks our understanding of the ONE reflected by all created in  Godde’s  image, to honoring only a portion of Godde’s amazing being.

Words draw pictures in our heads, engrave them on our minds and in the hearts of our children. A traditional Sunday morning full of quotes from male theologians, numerous references to our Heavenly Father, Lord, King etc. - and multiple uses of he, his, and him, reinforces the patriarchal picture.

A typical message about Godde tends to render invisible and mute both the feminine face of theGodde who gave us birth and the daughters who bear the divine image along with their brothers

Heavenly FatherMother, 
Please speak to our hearts
Whisper your truths to ponder
that we may know you more fully
that we may serve you more truly
As we walk in the Holy Name of
Jesus Christ

September 27, 2017

Good Morning World

Good Morning World

On the front porch at dawn
watching the world wake up
greeting ‘good morning’ to folks
walking by with their dogs

after saying goodbye to visiting 
family off on a long journey home
I stay here with my coffee and words
offering a a thankful hello to 
A New Day


September 20, 2017


A Savored Memory

One early August morning, 
the summer of John’s death, 
in that sleepy state of half awake, 
I caught a glimpse of him 
neatly dressed for the day, 
walking around the end of our bed, 
over to my side.  

The vision quickly vanished.
yet remains engraved  -
a gift that brought to mind 
an early morning moment captured
many years ago in this small poem:

 ~~ DAWN ~~

Up at dawn 
he gently tucked her with the sheet
and fixed it where the mattress corner
had come undone above her head

then slipping out
went down to put the coffee on

He did not know

that in her semi conscious morning sleep
she was aware
and felt the precious oil of his love
flow through her veins

 a secret blessing



September 10, 2017

Broken Puzzle

Year after year John's Prize Geranium blooms on
“Past Life Lives in the Living”   —Wendell Barry  

I’ve been reading Barry’s “Sabbath Poems” these days.  They speak to the pondering that goes on within as I pick up the pieces scattered about by the earthquake that took John and left my own core scattered in the wind.  These jigsaw cells, once us, now strewn, must be collected and re-configured to discover whose were whose and which live on. And how.  It is a puzzle. A broken puzzle.

 Broken Puzzle

Putting the pieces back together
when half have disappeared
is nye unto impossible

Yet hearts, they say, do mend
though not without deep scar 
tissue filling gaps of

Missing Pieces


August 22, 2017

Holding Hands


Sitting in this room alone
I feel my hand in yours
As surely as if we’re on an evening walk
Strolling down the street  together

I feel your palm
Quite coarse from woodworking
Soft fuzz on the back of your hand
Your fingers squeezing mine 
In fond recognition of 
Loving camaraderie 

I know your hand entwined in mine
Now resting on the sheet 
Swollen strange and puffed
At the end of an arm full of tubes
As you lay dying

Those young strong hands  
Now elderly and frail and still
Baseball hands. Swinging golf clubs
Draftsman’s hands, always designing
A gardener’s hands, a craftsman

I have the work of your hands all around me
In this old home you refurbished 
Your carpenter hands creating beauty
Were the hands of a dad who could fix anything

Beloved hands
I feel them on my cheek and 
Wish them in my hair and 
Your hands holding me
Our hands holding each other 
For almost 60 years


[Re-posted:  9/15/19]

Total Eclipse


A  phenomenon of majesty
choreographed by Godde

A grand display of wonder
moved across the sky

An ancient rhythm seldom seen
known and yet unknown

Stars came out to play at noon
the sun slow dancing with the moon

The universe displayed its
grand Divine design

As awe struck creatures



August 07, 2017

Two Faces Into One


Two opposing tracks weave together in my life these days.  On the one hand, I’m getting used to living in solitary silence.  Even with the radio or TV on, the void is so dense you could cut it with a knife.  I wake to long hours of empty air.  Not feeling very social yet, so no schedule or commitments.  

On the other hand, I wake to an abundance of empty hours and the quiet solitude I’ve always loved and carved out time for.  Now I’m swimming in it and actually making good use of it.  I’m writing my way through this journey.  The blank page each morning has become my good friend!  Some pieces I share and when kudos come, they wrap around me like warm hugs.  

For example, I somehow pulled a muscle in my hip so have stayed in and favored it this week.  Stayed off my feet as much as possible to let it heal.  So it’s been a string of quiet uneventful days.  Phone calls most days, meaningful conversations online, but little or no in person interaction.  

Earlier I joined a private Facebook group for widows and have watched and been impressed with  the caring and encouragement that goes on there. It is a safe place for some to scream their pain and others share small joys of healing. All of us trying to figure out this new world we find ourselves discovering.  Our new normal. Our new identity.  Seeing how our stories, while so different, overlap, the other day I shared one of the piece I’d written about my journey.  The response was kind of overwhelming.  As the hugs and thank yous began to pour in, and women conversed on how my words had helped them, I saw a glimpse of purpose in this quiet week. A sense of confirmation that life has not completely stopped.  That out of this dark silence, perhaps my pondering can bring a bit of solace to another.  A thought which brings me joy.   




Most mornings after breakfast, I settle in my chair, open my laptop and think, read and write for a few hours.   I might not step outdoors for almost a week if I don’t need to run to the store. All the while feeling slightly embarrassed about it,  slightly guilty,  sort of a concern that others, if they were aware, would think there is something wrong with me. Wondering, what would people, my own kids, think if they knew how truly I am hibernating here.  As if this is something I must explain or make excuses for. As if this hibernation is abnormal. I know it will not always be this way, and yes it is abnormal - from what life was 7 months ago before John died.  But for now it is my normal.  And it is OK.

This now is my day.  My work.  My purpose.  My joy.  I can send away that ‘shoulds’ monkey on my shoulder and embrace this abundant time of quiet I have for healing and for writing. I can drop the apologetic stance and mindset I’ve been carrying around inside of me. It feels like a sigh of relief!  It is OK!  This is who I am. I will embrace this new routine and gradually modify it over time.   I might even go outdoors and read in the sun for a while this afternoon!  


July 01, 2017

Silent Blessings

Life After Loss


once a time of pleasant  conversation
has become a source of quiet



June 23, 2017



I see her sitting in her wheelchair, just outside her door at the nursing home where I visited my Mom.  A diminutive, grey haired woman looking intently at the paperback in her two hands.  Every day I’d see her there. Reading, I thought. A kindred spirit. Another book worm.  Maybe one day that would be me, I smiled to myself.

Then I noticed something.  Her book was upside down.  A twinge of sadness accompanied that realization.  The book it seems was just a prop.  Or perhaps an echo of a lifetime of enjoying stories.  

That picture in my head is at least 15 years old and still as vivid as if it were last week.  Today  the vision of her comes when I am daydreaming.  I love to daydream and do it more and more as I age.  I wonder now, if that dear old soul I see in my mind’s eye was not so much staring vacantly at that wrong side up book, as she was daydreaming  Aha.  Still a kindred spirit!

I’ve always daydreamed.  Always with a sense of doing something I should snap out of.  A sense of wasting time.  The first conversation I recall concerning this propensity goes back to third grade.  My parents, returning from a meeting with my teacher, shared what I did well and where I needed to improve.  As all parents do.  As I did many times over.  But the only assessment I remember - and remember vividly, was that if JoMae could only stop staring out the window, dreaming, she would do so much better in school.  Perhaps that is why I’ve never seen this as a positive habit.  

Now that  I’m alone after a long and happy marriage, I catch myself daydreaming a lot.  Sometimes remembering.  Often imagining.  I’ve been noticing lately how similar it is to writing.  While I love to write, I’ve never before connected the two hobbies.  Now I have decided to embrace those daydreams.  Try to capture them.  Recognize this practice as something positive.  Write down those small scenarios that carry me away and see what happens.  And if someone should observe me staring into space, don’t worry.  I’m not vacant or lost or mixed up.  I’m writing!

My little old lady from so long ago, no longer living, I am sure,  still lives on among the pictures in my head.  Only now I think of her as gathering stories.  She may not have been able to write them down, but I suspect they were vivid to her mind’s eye and entertained her hours on end.  I’ll try to write mine down for both of us.
