The Child |
~ Mirrored Lessons ~
My aged mother, now long gone
has moved into my mirror
she smiles at me when I walk by
reminding me of long ago
when both of us were younger
the child came crying, all forlorn
for lack of any friends, so mom
showed her a mirror, where
a good lesson formed
see how much nicer your face appears
when you smile, she said - had me
practice for a while then
sent me off to play
next morning, climbing on the bus
grinning ear to ear - the same girl
yet not quite the same, tried to
spread good cheer
these days, each time I see mom’s face
glancing out at me, I remind her how
important a smile proves to be
and there she is, grin intact,
smiling back at me, still
sending me off into my
day - skipping