September 25, 2020

Godde our Maker

~ Creator Godde ~

it is You who have made us, not we ourselves
You have molded us in Your likeness with
lives made to love, honor and respect 

You entered our lowly realm to model what
our lives should look like as images reflecting 
Your Holy Self, imperfect human mirrors of Divine 

~ Perfection ~

 oh how we have failed to show our love to
You, our Maker, Redeemer, Friend - how we
have failed to love our neighbors as ourselves

please Godde, make us see our blind shortcomings
make us value others as we do ourselves, guide
us to own respect and justice for all, to love as

~ Godde our Maker ~ 


"Know ye that the LORD he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people and the sheep of his pasture."  Ps 100:3 KJV 

Psalm 100:3 as memorized in childhood, came to mind whiile listening to a message recently where the pastor asked Godde our Maker to make us...  My musing led to this small prayer.  Enjoy!

September 18, 2020

Summer's End

Good Morning World!  
I love to watch my street wake up just beyond front windows as I enjoy hot coffee with my reading this crisp 50ºs morning.

~ Summer’s End ~

It is Saturday morning and people are out
with the sun on their back and their dog
on a leash, walking - brisk in warm 
sweaters - this ’taste of fall’ day

first the walkers with their dogs
then serious bikes ride past
 while roller blades fly by
dancing skate boards
  finally small kids -- all 
eager to breathe in
fresh  crisp  air of

~ Autumn ~

even an electric
wheel chair with a 
flowing white beard
speeds by - I wonder
were smaller wheels
once his? Does he
smile behind his
wild whiskers

~ Remembering? ~

(by now 
sun warming
sweaters shed
I should grab my
stick and join ‘em!)


A view from my city window this chilly bright morning. Enjoy!

September 07, 2020

Labor Day

~ John's Labor of Love ~
~ Labor Day ~

I wake to another Monday Morning.  One that should feel a little different because this is Labor Day. A holiday. We often did not make a big thing of holidays. Simply spent them together. We might not go any where or gather friends around, yet the day felt different.  That in itself colored the hours as we lingered over coffee or fixed a hamburger. 

When we spent holidays alone we liked it that way. I marvel over what a difference it makes when a couple is alone or when one is alone.  This day too, I’ll spend with myself.  And it’s ok. Almost 4 years now, I should be used to it.  

Thankfully, I keep busy with my pages.  Books. A lot of thinking. The pages I fill with words born of that thinking - and with my blog pages and other media waiting for the work I wish to share.  

It will be a day like any other.  Every once in a while I’ll look up and remember that this is Labor Day.  I’ll read articles considering this special day. I’ll wander to the kitchen for another cuppa and tell the sink full of dishes - hey, it’s Labor Day after all.  Maybe later. Then return to my favorite chair and the page I’m working on.

At first, coming to grips with being on my own, I saw this as a new chapter. So different than the one before. So unexpected, foreign and disorienting. A chapter difficult to find my way into; difficult to write.  Gradually I realized, these years are not just a new chapter.  This is a whole new book.

I’m trying to make it a good book. One that shows how in every loss lies buried gifts - to be opened when the time is right. Small seeds to nurture into blossoms.   New responsibilities to grow into. A book reminding us that every ending is a new beginning - and to trust, to savor it’s unfolding. For I’ve learned already that when/if another loss occurs, I will be ok. I might be scared, but will be ok.  

If mine were a real book, I’d name it 
~ Hope ~


September 03, 2020



the Trinity
three persons 
reflecting the other
Beloved Holy Godde

A loving marriage is 
also a reflection of 
each other and
the Godhead
a family


September 02, 2020

Suddenly Solitary

~ Aging Alone ~

I used to see old widows suddenly on their own
and wonder what she did all day alone inside her home

and now I know

I find something fun to read, to make me laugh aloud
I read a psalm to frame my prayer
I think of some old friend to let them know I care
I stumble on a thought provoking article and write my feelings out
I read a novel to travel worlds away and back again refreshed
I study life long interests and ponder new development
I write to sort out all that I am gaining
I’ve learned to gather via zoom and even study there

my days fly by

Another’s list is different. We’re each unique
yet I’ve learned beyond death’s loss
life can be complete again 


This morning I was reading an article totally different from these thoughts yet it triggered a need to stop and capture these first lines as they popped into my head. The rest poured out like a brain burp.