April 06, 2018

Dinner Time! - Poem A Day - 6

Dinner Time!

For years I put a meal onto the table
every evening for our growing gang.
While that was my responsibility
I was not an especially good cook
nor was I enamored of the kitchen.

The family joke was, when hearing his car
pull in I’d often hurry to the pantry in a panic,
remind myself of what was there and
encouraged by the warm hug approaching 
place the ingredients on the counter
as if the meal had been planned all day.

Of course he knew
He had my number
And loved me anyway

Sometimes I’d quickly put a pot of water
on to boil for the pasta or potatoes
sometimes, if there were a good driveway
story to finish listening to on the radio,
he’d walk in the door to the aroma of
onions frying or hamburg browning
for the spaghetti sauce

He knew, and loved me anyway

Sometimes the kids would query
“Is this a recipe, Mom?“
I’d paste a smile and assure them
that of course, it was my recipe.
He’d grin. He knew…

Each night we’d gather round the table
calm the boisterous and give thanks
then eat it all, washed down with lots of
chatter and laughter (or not) about our
days, along with planning for tomorrow.

Now all is quiet at that table
Instead of fixing meals
I fix a bite to eat.

Instead of chatter, visions float by
Remembering, I smile, and give thanks.
He knew me well and loved. We loved.


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