March 30, 2021


Dawn's Early Light

~ When Morning Gilds The Skies… ~

I love dawn’s silhouette in early springtime, the

skeletons of trees when leaves have yet to form

against the lightening grey of a still quiet morn

when only birds and squirrels are stirring

awake and dancing on the branches

high in a distant tree against the

sky - above first daffodils



Good morning everyone! I watched the world awake this morning and with the dawn came these few lines. Enjoy!

March 23, 2021

Celebrating Springtime

~ Front Porch Melody ~

Another robin.  Another mild Spring morning

our second getting up to seventy degrees

in this week of mellow front porch days

a unicycle day - one just went by -

the trees, still bare skeletons,

expose the blue soon to be

hidden by green leaves

and welcome shade

so now I’ll glory

in the sun



~ Celebrating Spring ~

Yesterday in the backyard

looking high to the top

of the  naked maple

branches, I caught

a glow bestowed

like a crown - a

silvery diadem

on its furthest

reaches like 

a soft  halo

blessing a

peaceful afternoon



Bluejay Couple on the Wire

 Celebrated this gorgeous March day on the front porch.  A couple drafts to share if you like. Today’s serene delight on my street and yesterday’s sweet glow atop my backyard Maple. Then, while capturing the beauty of those Spring branches in sun, a pair of bluejays stopped to visit for a while, resting on the wire running through the trees. Two lovely days and more to come! Enjoy!

March 09, 2021

February's End

~ A Field of Dancing Daffodils ~ 

Celebrating the end of February
knowing that spring is not right
around the corner, I thought to

share this cheerful field and

add a touch of color to the

snowy views burying so

many northern friends


Seeing these  fields in Holland many years ago, brought to mind William Wordsworth’s ‘host  of golden daffodils’… 

 I WANDERED lonely as a cloud 

That floats on high o'er vales and hills, 

When all at once I saw a crowd, 

A host, of golden daffodils…

March 03, 2021

Shadows Dancing

~ Shadows Dancing ~ 

sometimes it’s hard to know

where the real you starts

and the shadows end 

in life’s reflection

of the dance

