~Talking to the Page ~ |
Dear Paige,
A few thoughts here on prayers and answers:
~ Yesterday ~
As if I’d had a huge desert
which stuffed my belly full of
sweet nostalgia - imaginations
and curiosity, indulged in visiting
what was and what will never be
until, heart bursting, satisfied, I
shut the book - and with a sigh
of thanks close out the day
All my life I’ve walked with Godde - sometimes badly out of step and far behind, yet always aware of moving in the shadow of those divine parental wings. Always aware, yet too often, sadly without much of a care. Thankful prayers were lifted, (or were not) - life was good.
And when snares or road blocks threatened, ardent prayers poured out - for others or myself. Godde was always there, even in the doubts, or wandering - or when answers were not clear. Often, looking back, I see answers that were there - tucked away for when the time was right.
Then there were the dramatic answers, almost puzzling in their clarity - along with those unsought and only known enough to remind me of the myriad of other times Godde’s hand must have kept me safe with out my even realizing it. For example, an accident I hadn’t seen coming yet was miraculously able to avoid.
But a a few dramatic prayer moments in my life stand out. As once, between a rock and a hard place, desperate for an immediate solution, amazingly a heart was changed and we were spared an impossibly wrenching choice. Or, more frivolously, while looking for parking in a dark down pour I prayed guiltily for help before giving up and going home. Guiltily, because of bothering omnipotent Godde with such a mundane request. Yet as I dared lift that prayer, on one last turn around the block before turning back, a car pulled out directly in front of my coffee shop destination.
These examples are from 20, 30 years ago, but such remembered moments have always made me ponder. Was Godde, in answering the frivolous, reminding me not to be afraid to ask? And in the crisis showing me to trust?
And then there was yesterday. A quiet wish, unspoken, unimportant in the scheme of life today, happened. Unbeknownst to me, an old pastor friend was scheduled to preach online - a friend I’ve never heard, in spite of occasionally searching. A career of small churches whose messages were not recorded I suppose. I’d pretty much forgotten about it, when on Saturday evening, the name kept popping up in my mind until on a whim I searched and there was the announcement and link to a small church out west somewhere. What fun to watch and listen to that meaningful message yesterday. And to see that family again after many years. She blessed my heart and made my day! And I am so very thankful!