May 11, 2017

From Both Sides Now


I see the world from both sides now
the dream the dance
the final bow

I see the inside out of life
as grief wraps tight around me -
 blankets me with memories of laughter

I hear the silence screaming out
the void, the empty chairs
where quiet conversation was the norm.

the look, the sigh, the grin is gone
the whistling is dead
hollowness abounds

I feel the shift of weight upon my shoulders
which once, resting upon two,  
was shared with joy.  

I move through vacant rooms
and see you there
without the music, hear your song 

I fix a meal and eat
uninterrupted by the sound of
your companionship

the everyday comments
often about nothing
yet everything to me - now gone


before I gave birth 
I could not imagine the experience of that 
separation of two beings out of one

either the birthing or the
life that followed as a mom
- so full of joy

before knowing the death of one truly half of me
I couldn't fathom an experience so profound
as the separation of the two of us

either the immediate loss or the
learning to walk on my own
so full of grief
yet tempered by the 
healing mystery of 


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