This has to be the most fragrant rose in the world! It blocks my path each time I pass by the dining room table. It forces me to stop and take a deeper breath.
Evan and I had a run in yesterday. I thoroughly over reacted to a spilled cup of coffee in the parlor where I'd had a guest a few minutes before. He responded in turn and refused to obey my order to go to his room. So we blew up and he left the house.
Later, when I sent him to the store for something, he came home with this marvelous rose. I'm sitting here breathing it's fragrance and remembering his look of apology.
I said, "I see something written in here. It says I'm sorry. I love you." With that he grinned and kissed my cheek. What do you do with a kid like that!
He said he chose it carefully, smelling every one. One other smelled better but a petal was off - so this was the best! I can just imagine the scene in the grocery store with this 12 year old and the young fellow he said helped him find the best rose for his Mom!
Written 6/24/1982
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