August 27, 2022


 ~Home ~

Leaning on the everlasting arms of FatherMother Godde

I trudge along.Those arms have never failed me yet

in all my many days - all my blindly selfish ways

my ups, my downs; in gain or loss, My Savior

catches me and guides me home

my Godde, my Home 



August 19, 2022

Echoes - Psalm 130 adapted

Day's End - A Cobb's Hill Sunset

~ Psalm 130 adapted ~

for personal praise and prayer

by JoMae


Out of the depths I cry to you, YHWH;

  my Sovereign, please hear my voice.

May your ears be attentive

to my supplication.

If you, O YHWH, kept a record of sins,

Dear Redeemer, who could stand?

But with you there is forgiveness,

so we can reverently serve you.


I wait for YHWH, my whole being waits;

in Godde's Word I put my trust.

I wait for Wisdom more than

sentinels long for the dawn

Dear ones, put your hope in Christ;

Living Word, Promised Messiah

in whom is unfailing love and

with whom is full redemption

for Jesus the Christ

redeems us from all iniquity


Echoes ~ OT passages inspire NT conversation with Godde

              (OT a template for NT prayerful contemplation)