December 22, 2020

Winter Solstice

Winter Sunset - Photo by Emelia Spoelhof

~ Winter Solstice ~

Beyond the window skies are overcast

within the heart as well. Grey hovers

over Christmas with unseen clouds

of melancholy tempering one’s joy

Between - inside the room, a smile beams

if anyone should ask - we’re doing well

- a mask worn like a decorated cast

to hold one’s self together

It’s December, for some a month of loss

yet the season of expectation to be

joyful in spite of multi-level angst

pandemic pain, new mourning

Yet when the sun’s warm glow

creeps past cloudy edges amid

 cheerful bursts of Christmas tunes

smothered joy breaks through anew!

~ Messiah Mystery ~

Trusted Light of Hope



December 20, 2020

Celebrate the Birth

 ~ Celebrate The Birth! ~

Celebrate Christ’s birth with thanksgiving and praise

Celebrate Christ’s life through imitation in our own

Celebrate Christ’s death by giving of ourselves

Celebrate Christ’s resurrection in our living

Celebrate the gift — Godde’s whole gift 

Let us celebrate with our whole being, our 

joyful rebirth of spirit in a life of gratitude

passing on Christ’s loving, respectful

attitude of mercy and justice to all

especially  those  mistreated

or in other ways in need

Celebrate salvation

thankfully, with joy

knowing we are

saved to serve

to be Christ’s

earthly care

- reborn for





beloved by our Creator,

our holy birther, Godde

~ Celebrate the Savior’s Birth ~

find in this gift divine

your own anew



December 16, 2020

Advent is Remembering

 ~ Advent is Remembering ~

advent remembers the gift -

Godde wrapped in mortal flesh

born an infant as are we, yet 

grown to mentor us - to teach how

we should live, behave, to honor

and obey our beloved creator

advent is remembering to

always love as Jesus modeled

- with mercy, justice, dignity

and respect for all



December 03, 2020

Echo of Psalm 18:1-19

Echoing the Psalms - 

Sometimes when I read a psalm, I hear it as a prayer and adapt it just enough to be my own - building on the scaffold of the ancient language. So most of these words are straight from the NIV, yet personalized for today's voice in echo of David’s. Enjoy!

~ Love Song of Psalm 18 ~

echoed by JoMae

My Godde is my rock, in whom I take refuge,

my shield, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

I called to my Redeemer, who is worthy of praise,

and I have been saved from deep distress.

The cords of death entangled me

the torrents of destruction overwhelmed me

the cords of the grave coiled around me

the snares of death confronted me

In my distress I called to my Redeemer;

I cried out to my Godde for help.


I love you, O Jehovah, my strength

you are my rock, my fortress, my deliverer

please accept my prayer of thanksgiving

even before I was able to ask, O Godde,

from your eternal throne you heard my voice

my cry came before you, into your ears

I knew of your covenant

had long lived in your love

remembering your faithfulness

trusting your grace, I found peace

your Presence held me through

death’s upheaval and the turmoil of grief

to prevent my falling into the pit of despair

your presence in the chaos saved my life


while the earth trembled and quaked

the foundations of the mountains shook

they trembled as when you are angry

smoke rose from your nostrils

consuming fire from your mouth

burning coals blazed forth

parting the heavens

you descended, dark clouds under foot,

then mounted the cherubim and flew

soaring on the wings of the wind

you made darkness your covering

your canopy around you --

the dark rain clouds of the sky

out of the brightness of your

Presence, clouds advanced with 

hailstones --  and bolts of lightning

You O Godde, thundered from heaven

your Most High Voice resounding, you

shot your arrows, scattering the enemy --

with great bolts of lightning you routed them

the valleys of the sea were exposed, the

foundations of the earth laid bare at

 your sovereign rebuke - at the blast

of breath from your nostrils

you reached down from on high 

took hold of me and drew

me out of deep waters

you rescued me from my powerful enemy

from loss, too strong - confronting me 

in the day of my disaster, but you

O Godde were my support

you brought me out into a spacious place

rescued me because you delight in me

because of your great love for me

with a heart full of praise and gratitude,

~ Thank You ~



David’s graphic description of Godde’s fierce anger battling on our behalf, echoes well the chaos felt after the trauma of sudden loss of one’s beloved - and the confused disorientation that ensues. Yet through the chaos, we are rescued. Saved because of our Redeemer's abundant love for us. Amazing Grace!