September 29, 2018

Girls Will Be Women

Rules Are Changing -

Boys will be Boys, but
Girls increasingly become strong Women
Able to speak their truth and be believed.

In the wake of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford speaking up, I’ve been reading the many many stories pouring out by women who have quietly carried the secret of sexual assault and its echo of fear with them all their lives - and I’m thinking:

Boys will be Boys
Men will be Men
Girls become Women able to speak their truth.

Beware, the world is changing


September 21, 2018

Quiet Time

Soaking in the Beauty...


Enjoying my small woods with book in hand
this stunning late September morning. 
A time to sort the day ahead
to read a bit and think
to meander deep
within and


When I step into my inmost Self
for a time of quiet pondering
Godde is already there

Godde is always there - if
I’m aware or not. Always
near to listen, to engage
as I wrestle life issues
or just breath in the
beauty of the day
and listen


September 14, 2018

Flashback - Morning Beauty

~ Morning Beauty ~
(Flashback to September 2012)
The Elegance of Shadow

The garden is less lovely without John’s care
and his zinnias do not grace my table now
but the shadows still enthrall me
I find such beauty there

John introduced me to the elegance of shadow
on an early date, an evening walk around
Reed’s Lake as he pointed with wonder
to the lamp post reflected at our feet

I may not have even noticed.
John saw beauty in the shadows - 
a gift that keeps on giving to this day!


September 06, 2018

Bubble of Light

~~ Bubble of Light ~~
Late afternoon.  The morning sunshine
pouring through these windows is long gone.
A confusing disappointment has left me empty, 
I am riding out the ending of the day ’til it is past.

And then. One tiny ball of light began to gently dance 
upon the carpet. Rays glancing off a neighbor’s window
seeping through the leaves to drop in on me a while?

It came and went, popped about a bit and brought a smile
for there is usually no sun in this room around this hour.
Still, there it was. An errant bubble bursting in and out
and in again until I got the message of its little light.

For even in the gloom the light of joy is present. Even
when we forget - are not aware - Love’s Presence
enfolds us and sometimes in the background of
an ordinary day, sometimes with a tiny nudge
brings a smile bursting to remind us to be
