January 31, 2018

Grief ~~

Bent Over Antidote 

Some days I feel bent over
unsure and weighted down
by grief until I reach inside
for the young woman within
and step into her agile skin
where I can stand tall again

*My friend Mary Steensma captured Franz Metzner's evocative sculpture depicting grief in this drawing she sent with words of encouragement that inspired this poem.  Thanks again, Mary.

Grief - Franz Metzner Sculpture 

January 30, 2018

Mantle of Hugs

Mantle of Hugs

A mantle of hugs this home is to me.
wrapped softly on my shoulders
a shelter each and every day
It soothes the chill of fear
reminds my heart of joy
and hands me hope 
wrapped snug in


January 22, 2018

Winter Night

Winter Night Window

Sit here in the rocker in the dark a few minutes before you go to bed
enjoy the still silence of the night. The snow covering everything
the old oak, arms outstretched holding heavy loads of snow
people flow, walking their dogs even in the frigid air
street lights glow, white roads and sidewalks 
driveways plowed, yet painted white
a few last cars carefully crawl
 home respectful of the ice 
all is blanketed asleep
 not a breath stirs

The soothing quiet will ease into good sleep.

I’ll leave the curtain drawn aside tonight so the light can creep in early
 and brush its hand against my cheek to wake me 
then I might sit right here another while 
before I gently start my day


January 06, 2018


 ~ Blizzard ~ 

You’d think I lived on a country 
path for all the traffic going by

Our city street pristine in white
its trees and shrubbery encased 
in heavy loads of fluff, tufts of
which blow by in windy gusts
 on this sub zero morning too  
quiet for an urban Saturday.

Cars at the curb almost 
invisibly blending with 
landscape all buried in 

