December 22, 2016

John 4/5/35-12/15/16

May Your Joy Be Complete

John Calvin Spoelhof
April 5, 1935  -  December 15, 2016

 “If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, 
just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.
 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that 
your joy may be complete.”    John 15:10-11

November 11, 2016

Two Faces

Which one will be our leader? 
DonaldReel whose caustic videos 
We watched each night on the
Endless evening news?

Or DonTheActor, 
Presidential at the White House
Or while accepting his win with
Some grace. But truth?

Will we come to see the Actor
Without the shadow of the Reel?
How often will the original emerge
To bully the defenseless?

Can the trumper change his spots?
Or are they tattooed forever on his being.
Can bullying, bigotry and abuse be
Hidden with an actor’s mask?

All Presidents take office with
Hidden handicaps.
This person’s sores are not so hidden
And I fear will soon erupt as to infect us all.


October 29, 2016

Celebrating Shadows



 play a glorious role in
 the beauty of a sunny day

yet even when there is no bright light to cast them
(either in nature or in the depths of one's concern or grief) 
let the grey remind us that joy is there
though hidden for a time

bright sun, unseen behind the clouds
will break through again
turning shadows into beauty with its


Same Tree. Beauty even in Grey Clouds and Storm 


October 25, 2016

Shadow Treasure


I settle in my chair to write a bit 
And notice a small painting playing on the floor
Leaves dancing back and forth
Seeping through the window pane

The sun is trying hard to cheer today
It comes and goes and drops its 
Treasures at my feet
Only to disappear again



September 28, 2016

New Every Morning

New Every Morning

Another bright crisp autumn day has broken on my world. 

As always, over my first cup of coffee 
I check the neighbor’s garage at the back of our yard
 To see what amazing design is playing there.  

It is new every sunny morning.
Each day unique.  
Always it is beautiful.  

This morning, the silhouette is intricate.
 Vivid from brilliant light pouring through branches
Capturing their shadows for a little while.

  Another reminder of the blessings 
Poured out daily by the
 Light of the World. 

 Often filtered by shadows
 Yet never overcome by them.  

May 10, 2016

Mom at 93

Mom at 27
 MOM at 93

Sitting in her wheelchair in her small half of the room
Lovely in her soft trim blouse and fresh hair do
Thanks to daughter Angie’s care

Looking out her window at the feeder Ange keeps filled
And at the small garden space with benches buried in snow
And of course the hungry birds

A booklover, she can't read much anymore
Even large print
Yet reads her tiny watch with ease!

Do the lines dance together?
Is it that she can't put meaning to the words?
She can when we talk it seems

Mom has difficulty remembering her children's names
She thanks me for explaining them
From photos in her room

One afternoon I returned after being with her in the morning
Mom asked, "Did you just get in? Is John with you?"
I flew alone this time and had explained

Later I looked at some photos on her desk
Mom asked what they said
I told her I wasn’t talking to anyone.

“I know,” she said
“I thought the girls in the picture
Were talking to you.”

Mom reads the snow covered shrubs, benches and other garden
Mounds the way she showed us animals in clouds
When we were small

"Looks just like a deer
Turning its head to glance at me," she smiles

She knows it's not a deer.

Written in 2003

May 09, 2016

Quiet Room


The room where I sit is a quiet room
Not even the radio plays
But the sun streams in
Flooding the floor
Pouring branches all over the place

Where the light, sprouting shadows 
That silently dance in the  
Early Spring breeze
Sprinkles joy on a cool sunny morning
All over the carpet

A Soothing Intrusion


February 17, 2016

Dear Heart


Another candle on the years
Another wish come true
The sweetest gift I've ever known
Is the love wrapped up in you


On Valentine’s Day that year, he had given her a sweet valentine. She did not have one to give. They were like that. They exchanged gifts or cards sometimes, but not by expectation.  They’d always been casual about gifts. So when that perfect choice was made and given it was special. Even after almost 60 years together it was special.  

The next day was her birthday. Waking up together, cozy, warm entangled, he felt bad not to have a gift for her.  She said, ‘Hon, the sweetest gift I’ve ever known is the love wrapped up in you.’  And so a little poem was born. His gift and hers to celebrate. 

February 04, 2016

Jesus and his Mom

Marriage at Cana by Giotto (1266-1337)


Recently our small study group focused on the second chapter of John.  There is a moment that I love in this account. It happens during an interaction between Jesus and his Mom at the wedding in Cana.  Mary has just told Jesus that the party is out of wine when Jesus responds,  “Woman, why do you involve me? My hour has not yet come.” (Jn 2:4)  To our western ears, this sounds a bit curt to say the least, but an NIV footnote explains that in the Greek the comment does not denote any disrespect. What delights me, is Mary's response. Most any Mother with grown sons can identify the special relationship glimpsed here.  She knows her son.  She doesn't argue or cajole or insist that he help.  She doesn't need to.  This man is her boy. The one she taught to walk and talk and modeled how to live. What wonderful parent child familiarity here!

Out of a deep well of knowing her son, Mary responded in a manner echoed timelessly over the centuries.  She ignored his protests and simply turned to the servants, confidently instructing them to "do whatever he tells you." (Jn 2:5)  She may not have known just what Jesus would tell them, but she was aware he could do something and trusted him to do it. 

I love how Jesus did not ignore her words.  His initial response may seem dismissive to us, but his actions show respect.  He did tell the servants what to do.  And the water they fetched was turned into excellent wine.  Mary must have marveled!  And tucked this into her heart along with all the rest she had to ponder.

Can any mother look at her grown child and not be aware, even if subconsciously, of the gifts she watched emerge?  The hopes and fears and promise as she watched her child develop?  Even in a world where a woman is not deemed to match the intellect of men - is not highly regarded other than to bear sons for her husband's lineage, mothers know their sons. 

Mary knew.  Embedded in her being was the reality of the message that she carried within her even before she carried this child.  "You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over Jacob’s descendants forever; his kingdom will never end.” (Lk1:31-33)  Jesus' very name means savior, deliverer.  Mary knew her son was the promised Messiah, the Heir of God.  We learn that from her encounter and response to Gabriel. We see it confirmed in Elizabeth's welcome greeting.  And we hear her voicing the wonder of it all in her song of rejoicing.  “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.  From now on all generations will call me blessed…" (Lk1:46-55)

John's story offers an exquisite peek at these two sharing the moment when Jesus launched the first of many signs pointing to God's truth. The water to wine miracle which began Christ’s ministry is rich in symbolism and carries many overtones - and will appear again at its end when "one of the soldiers pierced Jesus’ side with a spear, bringing a sudden flow of blood and water." (Jn 19:34)* 

And Mary will again be watching.


Blood, Wine and Water
*At the final supper before his death, Jesus took the cup and explained, "This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the remission of sins." (Mt 26:28) See also Ex 24:3-8  where shortly after leaving Egypt the covenant between God and the Israelites is confirmed.  At the foot of Mount Sinai Moses taught the people God's instructions and wrote them all down  Then with the blood of sacrificed young bulls, "Moses then took the blood, sprinkled it on the people and said, “This is the blood of the covenant that the LORD has made with you in accordance with all these words.” (Ex 24:8)