February 18, 2015

The Joy of Cooking

The Joy of Cooking 

Our daughter loves to cook
An interest held in common with her Dad
A long time craft for her
His honed in later years
Upon retirement

I love to see their heads bent over recipes
Chopping, stirring, baking
Or watching cooking shows
When we're vacationing together
And re-connect

Then off they go for groceries
To create their perfect menu
While I observe with joy -
One eye in my book
The other on my writing pad

Snapping word pictures 
To tuck into my heart
And carry home with me

An aroma sweet and wonderful 
As each delicious meal


February 13, 2015

piano prayers

piano prayers

I play the folks who come to mind
Their fears their pain their loss
I plead a jolt of joy amid the horror
To give them hope to make it to tomorrow

I ponder on the hate filled men of ISIS
And beg the Spirit to attack their swords with Love
A mystery of mercy to engage their minds
That one by one their hearts be struck with Wisdom

I wander through my thoughts of friends and all
And seek a blessing here a healing there
A word of comfort or of wisdom
A sense of the Divine Embrace hugging their souls

I tune my heart with trust
Sharpen my thanksgiving
Sing a note of praise
And rest in peace