Secret Balcony
The kitchen chair that backs up to the garden window
becomes a winter sunset balcony for one when turned just so.
Here I sit, with my right elbow on the window sill
my left hand nestling a mug of tea
watching the sky put on her show
We have lived in this home almost 35 years. In summer the sky is hidden with the abundance of trees in our small city yard. In winter it is too cold to sit outdoors and watch the sun go down. We take rides to see the sun set, and often wish we had more sky right here at home. Few spots in this lovely old victorian home allow for sitting in a sunny window.
Often I would adjust that kitchen chair to let me bask in the afternoon sun as it pours in for a short time on a bright afternoon, but somehow I'd never noticed that around 5pm on a January day the sunset greets me there with all its glory! Pouring through the leafless tree branches, what is hidden in the summer can be brilliant in the cold! Etched with the fanfare of the branches, a brilliant sky soothes the closing of the day.
And it was always there! Makes me wonder what other wonders I have missed along the way. Makes me determined to catch more kitchen sunsets this winter.