A quilt of puffy clouds rides overhead
Patched of grey and white with hints of faded blue
And one bright central spot
Where sun is barely peeking through.
Underneath its edges
Clear pastel sky is seeping
Brightly off to the horizon.
A hint? A hope?
A promise of a brilliant sunset?
Each patch of cloud is stitched together with an unseen thread
Sunk deep within the downy folds of every seam.
A comfort quilt on this quite nippy autumn day
So short of sun, yet warm enough to sit out here and write.
Our hearts too, are warmed with bits of downy hope
Pieced together with words from Paul
That Henri is now home recuperating for the next onslaught to his small body:
Radiation starts on Monday.
The thought of it brings on the chill; it's time to go indoors.
The sun has snuggled deep under the clouds
And I am ready for the comfort of Judy's fresh
Homemade cream of pumpkin soup -
Whipped together quickly for supper last night
Out of half a large pumpkin sent over from a neighbor's garden.
Leftovers will our lunch.
Written 10-19-10 on a Tuesday morning while visiting Judy in France. Eight days earlier, back home in the US, our then 6 year old grandson had been diagnosed with cancer and faced a long protocol of treatment after having a kidney removed. As I sat outside reading, I noticed the layers of cotton ball clouds stretched over the huge expanse of sky that blessed us from every direction up there on Judy's hill. Some lines began to interrupt me until I finally stopped reading to write them down. Then more tumbled out. I thought I might have to erase the last line, but that evening we had the most beautiful fiery sunset we'd seen so far!