August 25, 2015

Radiant August Sky

Iridescent Blue

A canopy of iridescent blue peeks through the leaves today

Accenting assorted shades of green outstretched above

Lifting a luminescent glow from the black eyed susans

Marking in bold the trunks and 

limbs encircling our city yard

Feels like a small quiet

clearing in a forest

Feels like home



August 05, 2015

One and One

One and One Equals 55
and Counting
(in celebration of a long loved marriage)

The two are one
As surely as if
Once one, then split apart,
They'd been reunited -
A perfect match.

As if at first sight after separation 
They'd recognized a missing part  -
That she was a bone of his own bones
He flesh of her own flesh.

No, not the perfection of that storied pair
In their ancient Eden,
But close.

Thankfully, close.

The man said,
   “This is now bone of my bones
     and flesh of my flesh;
     she shall be called ‘woman,’
     for she was taken out of man.”
Genesis 2:23